
  • 标题Uriel – Communications, Energy, Branding, Leadersh
  • 简介I am passionate about all aspects of communications, motivation, health, marketing, branding and self-development. As a marketing expert, I like sharing my views and experience on marketing including the origin of marketing, origin of branding, background of marketing, history of marketing concept, history of brand management, etc. I also write about modern marketing and the future of marketing. Including online, digital marketing, the latest trends on social media marketing, search engine optimization, the semantic web, hash-tags, etc. In the area of self-development, I am a certified health coach and practitioner of NLP. I write about my own experiences and knowledge collected through my life living in more than 5 different countries and interacting with multiple cultures. Finally, I love the arts, music, sports and traveling. So I like sharing my pictures, videos and will soon start sharing a few tunes from my Saxophone. I hope that you enjoy this blog.
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  • 搜狗评级搜狗评级为1
  • 谷歌评分谷歌pr值为0
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  • 域名状态ok
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  • 注册邮箱urielac1mail.com
  • 更新时间105 月 之前